Unexpected Company
Though his voice was not raised and his words were simple and concise, it was obvious, even to me, that my father was utterly furious… In Mormon culture (and perhaps Christian culture in general) the term 'still, small, voice' is used to commonly refer to your internal voice and the Holy Ghost in tandem. This is the little voice in your head that tells you when something seems a bit off, warns you that what you're thinking of doing or what you're about to do is inherently wrong, and sometimes inspires you to do things that later reveal themselves as fruitful or even destined. Outside of religious culture it is often simply called a conscience, but this word only describes, in my opinion, a small portion of what the voice concerns itself with; letting you know when you're wrong. As an adult and at the time of this writing, I have no further religious associations between my internal voice and a devout ghost whispering in my ear but the voice itself is stil...